Do You Watch the Thanksgiving Day Parade?

I remember every year as a child our family would watch the Thanksgiving Day Parade while the turkey was in the oven. It was always a special tradition to wake up to the living room television being on and the parade was already going. The house was warm from the oven and the smells of dinner were already in the air, even at 11am!

Have you ever wondered how the parade started? Read on to find out!

The Thanksgiving Day Parade started in 1924, but before 1927, live animals were the big attraction instead of balloons! The balloons didn't become an attraction until 1928. In 1942, the parade was cancelled for the very first time because it was during World War II and rubber was in high demand. Instead of having the parade, the balloons were donated to the military.

To learn more about the history of the Thanksgiving Day Parade, make sure to check out the full history here.

Happy Thanksgiving!