4 Easy Ways to Make a Room More Conducive to Sleep

Insomnia is a huge issue in our society and can lead to a wide variety of health disorders. It is reported that over 1.5 million Britons suffer from the condition and that many more go undiagnosed. But while a lot of people in the western world have the reflex of medicating themselves when they suffer from a condition, sometimes, just making a few adjustments to your sleeping environment could make all the difference. Here are a few modifications and adjustments you could make to make any room more conducive to sleep.

Banish Blue Light Completely

You have to find a way to completely block out any form of light entering the room at night. See, our body’s sleep clock, also referred to as the circadian rhythm, can get tripped out by light, and falsely believe that it is daytime. This doesn’t only include light from the exterior, but light from within.
Electronic screens emit what is referred to as blue light, which is particularly disruptive for sleep. So you should consider removing all electronic screens and go analog, or use alternatives that purposely eliminate blue light. This also means that you have to reduce your consumption of visual media about 2 hours before going to sleep. If you need something to keep you occupied, you can always listen to an audio recording instead.

Get Blackout Shades

Now, if you want to deal with light from outside, you could consider investing in some blackout shades. These will make sure that no light gets in, and can also help temper the room. These are great if your windows are close to a source of light, or if you’re a night worker and need to sleep during the day.

Buy Weighted Blankets

While weighted blankets were seen as a fad not too long ago, there is significant scientific evidence that they do work. One study that was conducted on 31 men and women found that participants reported fewer movement and calmer sleep using the blankets. But they don’t only work for insomnia. In another study, 63% of the participants stated that they had lower anxiety using weighted blankets.
One brand that sells these blankets is Snooozzzy. Snoozzzy weighted blankets work by providing deep pressure touch stimulation that feels like a hug. Weighted blankets also raise endorphins and serotonin levels, which all play a critical role in sleep quality and duration.

Check the Temperature

A lot of people have a tendency to overheat the room when they want to feel comfortable, but did you know that slightly colder temperatures could make sleeping easier? According to a doctor from Ohio’s Kettering Medical Center, Becky Wang-Cheng, cold temperatures tell the body that it’s time to go to bed. The best temperature for sleep is somewhere between 15 and 19 degrees celsius. So if your thermostat is any higher than that, try lowering it down by a few degrees, it might be all that you needed.


Poor sleep can affect all aspects of life, and it’s important that you optimise your sleep time if you want to perform to the best of your abilities. Make sure that you apply these few tips and consider making these additions if you want to get the best sleep possible.