Why I Enjoy Volunteering At Our Art Gallery

Ever since I was a teenager, I’ve always loved the arts. It’s been my passion for as long as I can remember. So when I had the opportunity to volunteer at our local arts guild years ago, that is just what I did.

When Mary was three years old, I started volunteering at the Creative Arts Guild in our town. I did everything from help set up displays, wash windows and mirrors, and wash dishes in the kitchen. Now even all these years later, I still know the place like the back of my hand. I did something new every time I volunteered. But I always knew that I was helping them out the best I could.

Before I had Mary, I was heavily involved in the arts and performing. But now with my health issues, I can’t do the things I once could. Volunteering to help do little things at the Creative Arts Guild is a way I can give back to the arts community with what I’m able to give now.

When Mary was younger and I started volunteering, I would be at the Creative Arts Guild around three times a week. Now that she’s getting older, I just go in once a week to help with her art class. I enjoy helping out with the class because I love being around kids. Plus it gives me more time to spend with Mary. I even got to hang her artwork on the wall for the children’s exhibit!

Volunteering is a wonderful way to give back to your community. That’s why I also joined Reward Volunteers to log my hours into their system. Everytime you volunteer, you can log your hours and share them via Facebook.The more likes and comments you receive the more chances you have to win the wonderful prizes. If you’re still looking for that perfect organization to volunteer with, Reward Volunteers can help with that too. They have information on volunteering opportunities in your area when you search on their site.

Logging my hours was super easy. Since the Creative Arts Guild here is just a small place, I had to input them into the system. When I did, it then let me log hours for the past week. After that, I was all set!

I urge you to volunteer in your community if you have the time. It’s a wonderful way to give back and even to find something you enjoy. In fact, this April is National Volunteer Month. Why don’t you join Reward Volunteers and find a volunteer opportunity that feeds your interests?