When I was a kid, my parents never explained to me the need for medical insurance. I knew we all had it and I always saw my parents take me to the doctor and write them checks but not until I got older did I really know how much medical bills and prescriptions cost.
My parents both worked regular jobs when I was a kid so they had insurance through their employers, like most people do. They had medical, dental, and vision because I wear contacts and my dad wears glasses. And as a kid, I always just thought that going to the doctor cost $20 because that's what I saw my parents pay when we were there.
When I got older, I finally learned that going to the doctor was very expensive unless you had insurance. And I learned this when I got married and didn't have any insurance at all. And during that time, I ended up having a problem with my eyes and had to go to the emergency room. And since I didn't have any insurance at all, I ended up getting a bill for over $2,000! If I would have had insurance, that would have been taken care of significantly more.
But for some people, having insurance just isn't an option. Maybe it's just too expensive and they don't qualify for help in paying it. Or maybe they have insurance but their co-payment is just too high for certain medications. This is exactly what happened with us when Mary had to go to the doctor last year.
Last year Mary started having bleeding problems and eventually ended up going to the Aflac Cancer and Bleeding Disorder Center in Atlanta. When we were there, they prescribed her a new medication and right after, we went to get it filled. But when we were waiting at the pharmacy we were told her insurance didn't cover it at all. And the price was over $150 for her bottle of medicine.
Another time our insurance didn't cover our medicines was recently for me. I had gotten an infection and I needed a very specific medicine. When I called the pharmacy to see if it was ready, they said my insurance didn't cover it. When I asked how much it was out of pocket without insurance, they said it was over $1,000!
Did you know that if you have insurance or not, you can still save on your prescriptions? By signing up for free with SingleCare, you receive a free discount card to use at the pharmacy. The card also gives discounts for vision and dental too! When Mary's medicine wasn't covered, we opted to not use our insurance and just use a discount card which brought it down to $50 for her medicine. But with SingleCare, her medicine would have cost $30.39 which is even better!
To use the discount, you take the coupon to the pharmacy to have them run it. They have coupons for every medication you can think of like a triluma coupon 2018. But for some people, having insurance just isn't an option. Maybe it's just too expensive and they don't qualify for help in paying it. Or maybe they have insurance but their co-payment is just too high for certain medications. This is exactly what happened with us when Mary had to go to the doctor last year.
Last year Mary started having bleeding problems and eventually ended up going to the Aflac Cancer and Bleeding Disorder Center in Atlanta. When we were there, they prescribed her a new medication and right after, we went to get it filled. But when we were waiting at the pharmacy we were told her insurance didn't cover it at all. And the price was over $150 for her bottle of medicine.
Another time our insurance didn't cover our medicines was recently for me. I had gotten an infection and I needed a very specific medicine. When I called the pharmacy to see if it was ready, they said my insurance didn't cover it. When I asked how much it was out of pocket without insurance, they said it was over $1,000!
Did you know that if you have insurance or not, you can still save on your prescriptions? By signing up for free with SingleCare, you receive a free discount card to use at the pharmacy. The card also gives discounts for vision and dental too! When Mary's medicine wasn't covered, we opted to not use our insurance and just use a discount card which brought it down to $50 for her medicine. But with SingleCare, her medicine would have cost $30.39 which is even better!
So if you're looking to get discounts at the pharmacy, dentist or eye doctor, make sure to sign up with SingleCare for free!