Donating #SnacksForStudents with @champions4kids

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.

I've always liked helping people in the community and today I was able to do so very easily. With Walmart and Champions for Kids, I was able to buy a bunch of snacks and donate them right in the store. And that was a good thing since it was pouring today!

Champions for Kids makes it simple to give kids in your community the resources they need to thrive. Since 2004, Champions for Kids has served more than 5.4 million children across all 50 states through in-store donation campaigns, service projects and community events. All you have to do is look for the donation bin inside the participating Walmart stores and simply donate right there.

And until March 4, U.S. customers at more than 3,600 participating Walmart stores can purchase snacks and breakfast items for children and place them inside designated donation bins.

So before the donation period ended, I drove over to our Walmart today and loaded up my cart with a bunch of snacks for a local organization in my neighborhood. The Snacks for Students program is part of SIMPLE Giving, a Champions for Kids program that seeks to make it simple for shoppers to purchase and donate items children need.

After I found everything I wanted to get, I checked out and then found my donation box which was right in front of the door. Then I just loaded it all up in the box and I was set!

Now the box is full and it will be picked up by the organization here in my neighborhood. I encourage you to find out if you have a Walmart in your neighborhood that participates with Champions for Kids so you can donate before March 4!