What Happens When You Become #Noseblind

This review and giveaway was made possible by Double Duty Divas and Febreze. I was compensated for my participation in this campaign, but all opinions are 100% mine.

We've all done it. When there's a funny smell in the house, we all can't help but try to sniff out the culprit.

Sometimes it might be something your kid left lying around too long. But asking them usually doesn't help. At least not in my house. Usually I just get a look like this one below when I ask a question that could impose a timeout.

Other times stinky house smells can come from animals living in the house. Like for instance if you have a giant white duck that lives in the house with you like I do.

But unfortunately you can also become noseblind to the smells around you too. Did you know that's a real word and it happens everyday? Basically being noseblind is getting used to the smells around you. After a while, you won't even notice them because you live with them everyday. But when other people come into your house, they will notice them right away. And with 18 animals in the house, I can't afford to be noseblind!

The other night we were able to invite a few friends over for a movie night. While everyone was there, we conducted a fun test to see who really was noseblind to the smells around them. Thanks to the amazing Febreze products that we received, we were able to make the room smelling great again after all our popcorn. So imagine what it can do for really stinky smells!