Last June, I had the pleasure of trying out the 2013 Kia Sorento and I fell in love at first sight. So when I was asked to review the 2014 Kia Sorento which is all new, I was curious to see how it had changed and if I would like it better.
When they said the most part of the Sorento changed, they were right. This new 2014 Sorento is beautiful, sleek and stylish. Plus it has some amazing features that changed for the better. One in particular was something I mentioned back in 2012. When I buckled Mary into the backseat, the buckles would slip down into the seats and it was a constant struggle to get it in and out. In the new 2014 Sorento, I had no trouble buckling Mary up at all. It was quick and effortless which was so helpful!
A few other features that were new were the cupholders in the back seats. There was a console in the middle of the backseat that you could pull down and put two cups in. I really loved this feature because it makes it easier for kids to reach them when they're sitting down. Another new safety feature was the mirrors that that beep when you put your blinkers on and someone is too close. I love this so much because sometimes someone is in your blind spot and you just can't see. This is very helpful, especially on the highway.
On the 2014 Sorento, the outside doorhandles also light up so you can see where they are in the dark which is great! Plus if you go outside with your key, the inside lights of the car will come on because it recognizes you're coming! Kia really thought of all kinds of features with this 2014 Sorento. Plus Kia put in a clock above the CD player since some people like to see what time it is when they're using the GPS or the radio. Like I said, there's a bunch of new features in here!
Like the 2013 Sorento, the car has a start/stop button which I've come to know and love. But something else new in the 2014 Sorento is part of the sunroof. In the older models, if you wanted to have the window open for light in the sunroof but not actually open it for air, you had to quickly stop it when the slide got ready to open up. In this one, you can just simply hit the open button and it will let in all the light, but not open up the window. This is how we drove around because the sunroof goes all the way back to the backseat so the kids can look out too.
Like in the 2013 model, there was a gas release button on the driver's side. I love this because no one can steal your gas or your gas cap. Plus no one can fool around with your gas either. The seatbelts in the front are also adjustable too. I really enjoyed this because sometimes the driver's seatbelt rubs me raw near my neck but not in the 2014 Sorento! The front vanity mirrors also have the extenders on them to help block out sunlight in those blind spots too which is nice. And the trunk has a push button close feature unlike the older models. Also, the 2014 Sorento has 7 seat seating! In the trunk, there are two tethers that you pull up and two seats come up with headrests. Plus in the back, they even have cupholders and their own air vents too! And putting the seats down is just as easy as getting them up.