You Don’t Have to Be Ridiculous to be Green #GreenHousewives #YouDontHavetoBe @greenworks

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Do you know that women today feel more pressure to be green than to be thin? Everywhere you look, you see so many women being green and it makes you feel like a terrible person if you can't go all the way. I personally can't be "completely" green because I can't afford it. Have you taken a stroll recently through the organic section of your supermarket and compared prices? I just can't afford $4 for 12 organic eggs compared to $0.98 to 12 regular ones. I wish I could because I like organic food, but it's very expensive. And so are the cleaning products and vitamins too. My supermarket has an organic vitamin section and theirs  were almost double the price of the regular ones. And when you take in consideration vitamins are usually around $20 anyways, that's a lot of money.

For some women, the pressure to be environmentally conscious even outweighs the pressure to have a great relationship, or have children who are successful in school or extracurricular activities. Along with feeling the pressure, women also feel it’s trendy to be environmentally conscious. Fifty-one percent of respondents said “green is the new black.” And when they do commit a green faux pas, throwing recyclables into the regular trash container is when they feel the most judgment.

I don't think being green should be so "extreme". (Please pardon that rhyme.) I buy organic vegetables and fruits only and my house is filled with Clorox Green Works products because they are green but also well priced and affordable. I don't feel pressure to spend a lot of money to be green so when I find an affordable solution, I'm all for it.

Did you know that in a recent survey from the Clorox company, ninety-three percent of women agree that being environmentally friendly should be accessible to everyone. Most women say affordability makes green product purchases more accessible (63%) than any other factor. That's a huge number of women actually agreeing on something!

What about you? Do you feel pressure about being green? Well one of my readers will win a Clorox Green Works gift basket which is an affordable solution!

This is part of a sponsored campaign with Latina Mom Bloggers and Green Works. However, all opinions expressed are my own.