What Kind of Jewelry Should You Have?


There are many things to choose from when it comes to building your accessory collection, all of which can enhance your outfits. Hats and scarves can be useful both in summer and winter, a gorgeous bag to carry your essentials with you every day, and a smaller clutch for more glamourous events by night. Yes, there are many accessories that you should have at home to help you stay stylish, but items of jewelry are some of the best. Even if you’re not someone who wears a lot of bling, here are some essential jewelry items you should have in your jewelry box.

Statement Pieces

Statement necklaces, rings, earrings, and other jewels aren’t something that you will wear every day, but if you’re going to a cocktail party or another special event, they can be the perfect addition to your outfit. Even more casual attire can be dressed up with these pieces, and you’re sure to turn heads and get compliments on your bold choices. Even if these aren’t usually your style, it’s still good to have one or two pieces in your arsenal.

Every Day Jewelry

While statement pieces can be fun to wear, getting them out too often can result in them losing their impact. More simplistic, elegant pieces are better for everyday wear. For example, a chain and pendant around your neck or some hooped or stud earrings. These gorgeous bracelets from Katie Waltman Jewelry are also perfect for everyday wear, and they can help to smarten up your look, too.

Special Occasion

A lot of jewelry can be worn every day and isn’t too valuable, but it is worth treating yourself to some special pieces for those special occasions, such as a wedding, anniversary, birthday, or to wear over the festive period. These are items that you might want to keep in a safe and perhaps already are or could become family heirlooms one day. Not only will these pieces look amazing when you wear them, but they can become precious assets, too.


Brooches might have appeared to be more popular in years gone by, but never underestimate how useful they can be to have in your jewelry collection. You can pin them on your coat to make it look more interesting, use it to keep a scarf in place, or even on a blouse if the brooch is light enough not to snag the material.

How to Care for Your Jewelry

As mentioned previously, for your more valuable and sentimental items, keep them in a safe or another secure place in your home for protection from thieves just in case. Silver jewelry can tarnish after time, so having some silver polish and a soft cloth to clean it is a must. Speak to the seller of your pieces to ask about how to care for them properly, as they might have specific instructions depending on the item that you’re taking home with you.

Jewelry pieces are excellent accessories that you can wear for any occasion, which is why it’s worth investing in building your collection. Use this quick guide to make sure that you have something that will work with any outfit and to have something special to keep and pass down to your loved ones.