Julie Naturally Faith Journeys Bible Study Series: Romans Bundle

Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

For the past few weeks, I have been using Faith Journeys Bible Study Series: Romans bundle by Julie Polanco from Julie Naturally. I really enjoy Bible studies and I love learning more about the Bible by doing so. It's a favorite thing of mine and I even have a nice new cabinet (thanks to hubby) to put all my Bible study books in. I really like how the studies can be used as a go to with your own devotions or even with your teen. Right now I am doing it alone because I enjoy peace time with my studies.

The Faith Journeys Bible Study Series: Romans Bundle is a 8 week study which I have been doing with my PDF on the computer. Each week comes with memory verses that are printable, video lessons, and writing lessons with questions. And of course your reading! Each week features about two chapters of Romans and after your weekly video and reading for the day, you have a few questions to complete. In all, it shouldn't take more than 40 minutes each day to do. There are also coloring pages for a wrapup for each week which are fun for anyone who likes to color.

The Faith Journeys Bible Study Series: Philippians (Digital) is the other study I received and this one is a bit shorter. It's a 4 week study and it offers the same outline where you read your Bible with the certain chapters you need and finish off with a few questions. You also have the printable memory verse cards where you can put anywhere to help remember them. In the book it even suggests putting them in your car to remember when you're out! And it also has the coloring pages as well. The only difference is there are no videos in this study.

Personally I think both of these studies would be great in a binder for easy access. Each week is broken into six days and along with the key scriptures you must read, sometimes there is an explanation as well for the verses. I really like the explanations because sometimes they give you valuable insight.

I really liked how the questions made me think about what I was reading more deeply. But the only thing I was would change is I would have liked to see the video links in the actual PDF study itself. To access the videos, you have to have an online account which is free to make, but if you're like me and forget logins easily, you might want to bookmark it.

Overall it was a very simple study to do and because of that, you could do it with teens or even by yourself like I did. It's not a hard read at all.

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