How To Help Your Loved One Transition To Assisted Living

To help your relative transition to assisted living, you need to be there to listen to their concerns, to answer their questions, and continue to support them along the way. It’s up to you to research the best companies and care providers suitable for them. You also need to figure out how often visits should happen to start with and sort out installing improved mobility facilities, for example.

If you’re ever concerned that your relative isn’t receiving an adequate level of care, or suspect that corners are being cut, then it’s your responsibility to report your suspicions, tackle and solve the problem in question.

Provide your relative with all the relevant information that they need to know, and focus on the positive side of getting help at home rather than them losing an element of independence in the process.

Target Loneliness

Shockingly, researchers have suggested that loneliness can be just as lethal as smoking fifteen cigarettes a day. This is due to the body’s immunity being weakened and more susceptible to disease; for example, heart disease, inflammation, and depression are all thought to be exacerbated by being lonely.

Assisted living entails receiving visits from health professionals to help the functioning of your loved one a daily basis and in whatever way they require the most help. A few ways to combat loneliness include them receiving regular visits, and phone calls from loved ones and even a pet can stave off feelings of being desperately alone.

Therapy dogs can help bridge the gap and provide some much-welcomed company when times are quiet are home. Therapy dog training can teach dogs to respond to their owner’s needs and know how best to support them at home.

Be Compassionate

Making the decision in favor of assisted living can be a scary and uncertain time for the entire family, and the issue should be approached compassionately, and without causing too much fuss. You don’t wish to worry your loved one, so approach the topic carefully and with consideration. Assisted living is designed to take the pressure off those receiving care, so if you’re suggesting it be sure to give all the facts and be transparent with your relative.

When Is It Time?

It’s hard to know when your relative needs help at home, especially if they’re adamant that they’re fine and don’t wish to lose their independence. If this does happen to be their concern, then you should do all within your power to reassure them that assisted living instead prolongs their independence in their own home.

If you’re worried about your loved one living alone, then be sure to visit regularly and keep check of how mobile they are, whether they can feed themselves, and if the housework is being maintained. If you notice that they are struggling, then gently suggest assisted living and ask whether an extra pair of hands around the home could make their day-to-day life a little easier and less stressful.