How to Protect Your Mental Health: A Starter’s Guide

Mental health fluctuates. For some, it can feel like the rising tide, giving you highs and lows throughout the day. For others, it can feel like a storm, or perhaps just a slow flood that starts at your ankles and just builds. Mental health, in short, is unique to you and how you experience it.

For those who are not familiar with the downturn process that a mental illness can have, then experiencing negative symptoms might be a shock. It might not feel possible because those things just don’t happen to you, but the fact is mental illness can occur in anyone, and for a variety of reasons.
With lockdown still on and global uncertainty, it is normal that you don’t feel okay. It’s normal, even if you feel downright awful and anxious. Knowing the symptoms, changing a few habits, and knowing when you should get help is pivotal to your overall wellbeing:

Become Familiar with Mental Illness

It is in everyone’s best interest to read up and understand mental illnesses. Not only can doing so help you spot symptoms in yourself, but it can also help you better help others who are in desperate need.

The reason this is the first step is simple. Many mental illnesses become worse over time because of a negative feedback loop. The negative thoughts that plague you become so ingrained in you who are and the fixation and obsession with those negative thoughts can, later, become very difficult to untangle.

By being aware of the signs and symptoms from the start, you can seek out treatment from centers like Eden Treatment and see greater success and results.

Be Aware of What Triggers You

Though you cannot go through life, avoiding every instance of hardship, it can help to be aware of what causes you distress so that you can create one safe space. This will likely be the home.

For example, if you feel calm in nature, then adding more plant life in your home can make it more relaxing. If you find clutter distressing, removing it, and improving your storage systems can help you be tranquil in your home.

In everyday life, being aware of what can set you off can help you prepare for the reaction and overcome your instinctual response.

A lot of this is covered in CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

Replace Toxic with Healthy

If seeing this one friend always causes stress, anxiety, and you return home feeling worse than chances are that friend is toxic and should be cut out of your life if they cannot change their behavior. This same concept applies to all areas of your life. While you won’t be able to do this, but there is no reason to force yourself into relationships or activities that cause you pain if you don’t need to. Instead, focus and find healthier relationships and focus on those.

Between building up a healthy support system and lifestyle, and seeking out professional guidance when you need it, you will be able to protect and boost your mental health and wellbeing.