How You Can Get a Better Night’s Sleep

Sleep is extremely important for living well, and you can certainly feel the difference when you get in a good 8 hours rather than a measly 2 or 3 every night. If you aren’t sleeping well, whether you are lying awake for hours no matter how hard you try or you just keep waking up after you finally drifted off, this can impact your daily life and make you feel not just tired, but down emotionally as well.
Getting a good night’s sleep is the key to starting the day off on the right foot. When you’re constantly missing out on precious hours, your quality of life will start to dwindle. To help get your sleeping habits back on the right track again, try out these helpful tips.
  1. Use Lavender Oil

The scent of lavender is great for making you feel drowsy and comfortable. It’s no wonder that aromatherapy is a popular solution for sleeping problems; it’s easy and has great results.
The soothing scent of lavender is known to help with relaxation and the reduction of stress. Spray your pillows with some lavender oil and let the floral scent help you to wind down after a stressful or exhausting day.
  1. Form a Routine

Habits die hard, and this is certainly true for a sleeping pattern. If you struggle to relax and cool down at the end of the day, you need to get yourself into the right mindset.
Plan out a routine that you will do every day to make sure your brain knows that sleep is coming. Read a chapter or two of a book before bed, draw something, do your skincare routine, or simply do something that relaxes you that you find comfort in.
Doing this routine every night will help your brain to prepare for going to sleep.
  1. Check if You Have TMJ

The core reason for your poor night’s sleep might lie deeper than you realize. If your jaw feels sore and painful and this disrupts your sleep, it may be because you grind your teeth subconsciously, which causes the jaw to become inflamed and painful. This is known as Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ) and can be treated at a family dental practice such as Bella Dental, where they can offer you night guards to protect your teeth and jaw while you sleep.
These guards will make sure you can get a comfortable and painless night’s sleep again!
  1. Reduce Light Exposure

When you are winding down for bed, lower the lights to help get your brain in the mode for sleeping. If you have too much light in the evening, it can trick your brain into thinking that it is still daytime, and therefore not time to sleep at all.
You should also minimize the time spent on your phone before you go to bed, but if you do still want to use it, lower the brightness and opt for night mode if your phone offers it.
A good night’s sleep shouldn’t be a once in a while treat; you deserve it every night.