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I Know It Interactive Math Lessons K - 5 grade
Growing up, math was never my strong subject. Honestly, it was my worst one. At least after 4th grade it was. During the lower elementary years, I always got high grades in math but for some reason or another, during 5th grade math just stopped "clicking" with me. And it was a downhill battle for every year after that up until I finished school. Since Mary is in 5th grade this year, I certainly don't want her to have the same problems as me. Math has never been her strong subject either and she started struggling earlier than me. So this year we're using to get extra math practice
With I Know It, you can turn learning math into something fun for the elementary aged kids. I Know It features interactive math practice that can be used alongside your normal math curriculum. It's not meant to be a full math curriculum but rather a supplement to help aid your child.
The I Know It site is fully interactive and has a comprehensive lesson list for elementary aged students. From kindergarten through fifth grade, kids can have lots of fun with their interactive lessons. 

All lessons are done by grade level so Mary is set to 5th grade currently. The lessons for 5th grade include place value, basic algebra, fractions, decimals, percents, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, geometry, word problems, measurement, graphs and data.
In I Know It, you can choose whatever lesson you need your child to focus on and then assign it to their account. That way if they need extra help, you can assign them the perfect lesson to go with their current math. In your own teacher account, you can monitor the progress of your kids as well. 
I Know It offers a 60 day free trial and I highly recommend signing up for it! It's well worth it to have your child have a solid foundation in math at an early age and extra practice is perfect for it!
I'm looking forward to seeing Mary work through her assignments for our 5th grade homeschool year. And I know with extra practice, she will be able to get a hold of math better than before.
If you're interested in learning more about I Know It, check out the other crew reviews below! And make sure to sign up for the 60 day free trial!

Interactive Math Lessons K - 5 grade {I Know It Reviews}
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