I am part of the Homeschool Review Crew. All opinions are my own.

Math has honestly never been a fun subject in our house for any grade. Math was always my worst subject in school and for years I suffered through it. I never could quite understand and grasp the concepts and the lessons moved so fast that I was constantly lost. By the time high school came around, I was failing even though I was trying so hard. It took a lot of diligence and after school tutoring to finally start getting back on track for me. And as the years have started going by, I started to notice that same struggle in Mary. Last year in 3rd grade was probably the worst of it all with introducing multiplication. I personally didn't know any other way to teach Mary multiplication facts and after math, we would both be very frustrated. So when I was able to try the CTCMath Single Membership for Mary, I hoped it would honestly help her! Plus right now you can get a free trial of CTCMath too!
CTCMath is an online math program that is super easy to follow and understand. Once you have a membership, you will have access to all their math lessons which is great if your student needs to brush up on things from other grades. They currently have lessons from Kindergarten through Trigonometry and their curriculum is a complete math program up until 8th grade. Past 8th grade, their program should be used as a supplement.

When we logged in for our first lesson, it was pretty self explanatory. You originally log in as the parent with your email and password. Then on the right hand side of the screen once you're logged in, you will have the option to login as your child just by clicking the button. Then your child can sit down and start their lessons.
Since Mary is in 4th grade this year, I set her lessons for United States 4th grade curriculum. It goes in order from the beginning until the end and you have one lesson per day with a set of questions you answer on the computer. The lessons are video lessons which is amazing for visual learners like Mary. Everything is clearly explained and you can stop and pause at anytime, or go back to a lesson for another try at it. After the video which explains each concept visually, students will be prompted to answer their questions which are normally between 10-15. After they are finished, it is instantly graded and recorded for parents to see.
In the parent dashboard, you can track your child's progress and even assign them lessons if you need them to focus on certain things as well. And CTCMath gives your child an overall grade after each quiz or test to let them know their grade point average in the program. So far, Mary has a 99%! For that, I am amazed and know this program really does work, especially for kids that have a hard time in math like Mary did!

Overall, I am super impressed with CTCMath and know I will be continuing with Mary. I can't believe how well she is doing and how she understands math now! This curriculum has really made me a believer that even kids who struggle will learn with them.
If you're interested to learn more about CTCMath, check out the other Homeschool Review Crew reviews below!