For the past month, our family has been able to check out The Lifetime Membership from NotebookingPages.com.
When I was young, something I always loved about school was doing worksheets. I know, I'm probably the only one who raised their hand on that one, but I loved them. Worksheets helped me understand a lot more of what the teacher was telling us about.
From a young age, I noticed that I am a very visual learner. It doesn't matter how many times you tell me something, I have to see it to understand. It just doesn't "click" in my mind until I can see a picture or example. I've always been like that. So doing worksheets always helped me piece everything together.
As I started homeschooling Mary, I also noticed that she was a very visual learner. For example, when we started teaching her math, no matter how we tried to tell her, she just didn't understand. Finally we got a math curriculum that had actual number figures that she could hold in her hands and see. It was only then that the pieces clicked for her and she understood math and numbers.
I've always been a strong believer in worksheets for Mary especially since she seems to learn like I do. But finding worksheets online can be almost a daunting task. I've spent hours online searching for that perfect worksheet to help her learn but also retain what she learned and sometimes I spend more time searching than actually teaching.
But that is where NotebookingPages.com comes in!

NotebookingPages.com is an amazing website that hold a plethora of notebooking pages for kids to help them learn better. If you've never seen a notebooking page, basically it is like a journal page with a theme. After your lesson, or even during it, you give that page to your children to write down what they learned. Maybe it's their favorite parts or what caught their attention. Whatever the case may be, it will help your kids retain the information better.
Even though it is summer, Mary and I still work on assorted things for fun. Like right now, we are doing all the National Park Services Junior Ranger Programs. What we've been doing is requesting the Junior Ranger booklets and we complete the activities to send back for her badge. Sometimes we can't physically be at the park itself so in that case, we study about it to understand it more. Sometimes we'll watch videos and we'll do notebooking pages too to help us feel like we were actually there.
With the Notebooking Pages Lifetime Membership, we have an account that we can log into and see all the notebooking pages available. It's always getting updated too. So since our current Junior Ranger booklet is on the Battle of Antietam, we decided to check out that notebooking page for extra learning.
We are also learning about Clara Barton as well with the Traveling Clara Barton program from the National Park Service. And I was able to find a great biography on Clara Barton that our library was giving away for free! So with the program, the book and the notebooking pages, we are all set to go!
What I suggest is using a binder to collect all your notebooking pages so your kids can look back at them. Looking back at what they learned can help trigger the memory of the lesson.
NotebookingPages.com doesn't just have Civil War notebooking pages either. They have everything from Bible, Fine Arts, Geography, History, Holidays, Science and more! It's all sorted into catagories to help you find them easier too.
If you are looking for an affordable way to get notebooking pages for your kids, then I highly recommend that you check out NotebookingPages.com.