This post represents a sponsored editorial
partnership with the American Cancer Society. All storytelling and opinions are, of
course, my own.
When my husband and I first met, he was a smoker. I personally had never smoked in my life so to meet someone for the first time who did seemed dangerous to me. And being young, I liked that. I was dating an older man who smoked. Little did my young mind know just how bad smoking was.
When we were dating, my husband offered a cigarette to me just one time. When I told him I wasn't interested, he never asked again. But I didn't really mind the fact that he smoked.
Eventually we got married and even when we were dirt poor, he still found a way to get cigarettes. That is, until Mary was born and he found out the effects of second hand smoke and now, third hand smoke. Did you know you can get third hand smoke now just from someone's clothes? Even if they don't smoke around you, you can still give it to a child if you hold them in smokey clothes.
Since I grew up in a family who never smoked, I really wasn't used to the smell. After being around my husband, especially when we got married, I didn't really realize it but I was having a hard time breathing often. After going to an allergy doctor and being tested for many things, I was given the diagnosis that I was actually allergic to cigarette smoke and also had mild asthma. I needed to stay away from all cigarette smoke to help me breathe better.
Now with a new child and a wife who was getting sicker from being around smoke all the time, my husband took it into his own hands to quit. And he did it cold turkey. With the chance of me getting second hand smoke and our new daughter getting third hand smoke, it wasn't worth it anymore. In 2008, my husband smoked his last cigarette and never looked back.
Do you know anyone in your family who smokes? Why not tell them around the "Quit together, Win together program from the American Cancer Society. I got easier breathing when my husband quit and I am always grateful for that.
The American Cancer Society marks the Great American Smokeout on the third Thursday of November each year by encouraging smokers to use the date to make a plan to quit, or to plan in advance and quit smoking that day. By quitting — even for one day — smokers will be taking an important step towards a healthier life – one that can lead to reducing cancer risk.Tobacco use remains the single largest preventable cause of disease and premature death in the US, yet about 42 million Americans still smoke cigarettes — a bit under 1 in every 5 adults. As of 2012, there were also 13.4 million cigar smokers in the US, and 2.3 million who smoke tobacco in pipes — other dangerous and addictive forms of tobacco.
If you smoke or know someone who does, then why not give the GASO a call at 1-800-227- 2345. Also check out their Facebook page for updates too.