Finding Peace in Difficult Times with GiveForward

This post was sponsored by GiveForward and I was compensated for my time. My story below is real and all mine.

Earlier this year, life was very hard for my mom. Everything seemed to be just fine one day until she got the call that her father was taken to the hospital. And that was the last time he was ever conscious. He was my grandfather and although I didn't know him very well, it really devastated my mom.

My mom and I actually both live about 12 hours away from the rest of the family so when my mom found out her dad was in the hospital in a coma she got on a jet the same day. And when she finally got to see him, he had about 24 hours left to live. I can't even understand how hard that was for her. I don't honestly know what I would do if I got a call saying my dad was in a coma. I don't think I could ever comprehend those emotions.

My mom was able to be with him though during his last hours and that's what matters. And although I can only remember the times I saw him when I was a baby or a very young child, I still go through the old pictures in our albums and have a hard time knowing he's gone. But I'm just glad that my mom has been able to get back to a normal life. I don't think she thought she would lose her dad so soon.

Losing someone in your family is always hard. And during that time, you're usually not thinking clearly enough to make big decisions. And that's where GiveForward comes in. GiveForward helps you start a fundraising campaign for your loved ones. Maybe they need help with medical bills that were left or even the funeral.

One of the great things about GiveForward is that they have coaches that help you through the whole process.So you're never alone during your difficult time.

You can also choose to become a GiveForward Ambassador too to help out others in their time of need. If you'd like to find out more information about that program, you can apply here.