“I participated in an Ambassador Program on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Pledge. I received a product sample to facilitate my review and promotional item as a thank you for participating.”
As a recap from last month, I was asked to be a Pledge Ambassador to see just how well Pledge could clean my floors.
Our old house was pure carpet everywhere except we had tile in the bathroom and kitchen. But now in our new house, it's pure hardwood floors which is something I always dreamed of. But since I had never had them before, I had no idea how hard they were to clean and maintain. And especially with having birds.
In the bird room, it's all hardwood which makes it a lot easier than carpet. In carpet, hulls and seeds can easily get stuck and it will eventually ruin your carpets. But with hardwood floors, I can just sweep up the mess! But along with just sweeping the mess, I also have another mess than I sometimes need to clean off the floor around their cages. Let's just put it this way - sometimes they miss the cage and aim for the floor!
Cleaning up after the birds is a daily job and I usually steam mop the floors in their room. But I do need something stronger to get the job done. So for the past month I've been taking the Pledge challenge to see if it could get up the mess easily.
There wasn't a huge difference in what my floor looked like afterwards, but it did the job and got them clean so I was happy. The Wood Squirt and Mop was my favorite product because it really helped get my floors super clean. All I had to do was squirt it on the floor and leave it while I prepped my mop. I actually use a steam mop so it takes about 2 minutes to heat so I left the solution on the floor to sit on the bad spots longer for less scrubbing.
Mostly I do my house cleaning when Mary is playing outside with her father so I can make sure no one walks through my wet floors! And that's when I used all my Pledge products.
Would you like to take the pledge challenge and try some of their products out? One winner will receive a gift basket with pledge items in it to clean hard wood floors!