Have you ever wanted to paint your rooms new colors but just didn't want to go through all the hassle? About a year ago, we ended up finally painting all the rooms in our old house. In my bedroom, I picked a beautiful blue color and at first I wasn't too sure, but then I fell in love with it.
My husband was the one who did all the painting and I do have to say that it was very time consuming. I have a hard time breathing around the paint so I couldn't use my rooms and plus since he was doing it himself, he still needed help with some things. So I had to help with him with a mask on so I could breathe with my asthma.
The rooms ended up coming out beautiful, but I do wish that we could have had help. Did you know that if you live in New York, PaintZen is a company that will come and paint for you?
The process is simple and painless too. You just put in how many rooms you want painted, any extras you need, and it gives you your total right then. The price will include everything except tax so you don't have any hidden charges either. They also offer low-VOC and zero-VOC paint options, which allows you to keep your family safe and your home odor-free during paint jobs as well!
If you live in New York, you need to give them a call! They only contract qualified and licensed painters too so you can trust who is coming to do the job as well. So what better way to get your home painted? If you're needing your home painted, check them out today!