Boys and Girls Club Back to School #sponsored @BGCA_Clubs #Tools4BTS

“I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Boys & Girls Clubs of America. I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating.”

I am excited to announce that I am a Boys and Girls Club Back to School Ambassador! Over the next two months I'll be posting about the Boys and Girls Clubs and let you have an inside look at why I love them so much! 

More than 4,000 Boys & Girls Clubs have opened their doors over the years to serve millions of kids across the nation and on military installations overseas by offering a place for them to grow and have a great future. It's a safe environment to let your kids be in and they will grow up with strong friendships, knowledge and confidence.

Clubs provide caring guidance and fun, engaging programs that help kids: do well in school, give back to their communities and choose healthy lifestyles. And since everything is done in an after-school basis, it makes kids look forward to whats coming each day.

Did you know that you can help support the Boys and Girls Club in the month of July when you shop at jcpenney? When you shop at jcpenney in July, if you round up your purchase to the nearest dollar, then the proceeds will go to help fund the Boys and Girls Club! I love seeing companies helping kids out so this is a great cause! And since today is the last day, if you're planning on doing some shopping, do some at jcpenney!

The Boys and Girls Club starts off with memberships when a child is 6 years old and since Mary turns 6 this September, I've been planning on signing her up. Even though she's home-schooled, I think she can benefit from the Boys and Girls Club a lot, especially with making friendships.

If you've never been to a club, visit your local one and see the magic happening behind their blue doors or, take the virtual Club tour online! You'll be impressed with what you find!