I Never Met a Conure I Didn't Like

Today I went to get bird seed at the pet store. Big mistake for a bird lover like myself. For some reason, every time I go to get bird seed at my pet store, I end up having a photo session with one of the new feather babies. And this time it was a Green Cheeked Conure!

This little girl was a snuggle big. As soon as I passed her cage, she was waiting to get out. And when the associate helped me get her, she ran up my arm and sat on my shoulder for the entire time I was in the store. I even walked around and she stayed! Along with giving me kisses on the lips, pruning me and herself, and snuggling under my chin, she was the sweetest baby I ever met. I've never seen such a loving bird to strangers! Notice the first picture in the collage below and just tell me you couldn't fall in love. She actually snuggled up to me for that shot!

This proves just how rotten this bird was. She wasn't scared one bit and just loved playing with me. She was a good little girl and I would have gotten her right on the spot but I've never owned a conure before so I want to learn a lot more about them before I buy one. So maybe one day you'll see me getting one?