Checking Out #HomeRunMovie with @kbwhiskey @HomeRunTheMovie

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This past weekend our family held a viewing at our house for Home Run the Movie. Since hubby is the pastor of our small congregation and makes all the big decisions, we sat him down to watch it with us.

Before we did, we had him take the tour of everything we got for him to check out, including the book and soundtrack! Like most men, he was interested in watching the movie first, but I told him reading the book would be helpful as well!

Of course, the our daughter Mary was invited to this private screening as well! She really enjoys Christian movies so this was a treat for her.

Here is hubby aka the pastor very intent on watching the movie. He LOVES watching christian films and we watch them often in our house. So he was very excited to see a new one for us to watch! He also was impressed to see that Celebrate Recovery was a partner in this movie. If you haven't heard of them, they are a biblical program that helps us heal from our hurts and habits. It's based on the words of Jesus and is now in more than 19,000 churches worldwide!

So do you want to know what we thought of the movie? We give it 6 thumbs up! The story completely blew us away, especially my husband! He even teared up a little bit! He also said, and I quote, "I wish all movies could be as good as this one."

The story is centered around the life of Major League baseball player Cory Brand. After years of self indulgent behavior and reckless living, a DUI and team suspension land Cory back in the Oklahoma town where he started. Forced to coach the local Little League team and spend eight weeks in Celebrate Recovery, the only twelve-step program in town, Cory must face the memories that contributed to his life becoming so destructive as well as honestly confront the love he left behind. Home Run powerfully reminds us that no habit is beyond help, no one is beyond God’s reach when they are willing to surrender, and no hurt escapes God’s healing.

“What Courageous was for fatherhood, and Fireproof for marriages, Home Run is for battling addictions, bad habits, and hang-ups. The inspiring and authentic message of Home Run is that freedom is possible.”

It was such an amazing movie, that even our birds liked it! Ok, they didn't watch it, but they felt like posing for pictures anyways! But if they had watched it, they would have given it two wings up!

Home Run the Movie is coming to theaters on April 19th so make sure to get your tickets! You won't be sorry! You can also check out where the premiers are going to be as well! If Home Run isn't coming to a theater near you, you can get them to come! Check out the Batting 1000 program which lets you run a petition to get Home Run to a theater near you!

And make sure to join the Twitter party on March 13! Details to come soon!

Are you looking forward to watching Home Run? Do you think there should be more movies like this out in theaters?

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