Just like people, some dogs are facing allergies as well. They can suffer from seasonal allergies and react to allergens such as pollen or dust. Some can have strong reactions to food ingredients, medication, or fleas. It is important that you understand the signs of the allergic reaction so you can help your dog or take them to the vet. Our list will help you to learn more about the signs and help you to solve the issue. This way, you will be able to ensure that your pet stays healthy and happy.
Hives And Itchy Skin Can Be The First Sign Of Allergic Reaction
If you notice that your dog scratches more often than usual or has hives and red spots, it is time to get more alert. These can be signs of all kinds of allergies. If this is the only symptom they suffer from, you do not need to panic. But if it does not get better after one or two days, you should schedule an appointment with the vet to make sure the problem does not grow.
Watch Out For Hair Loss And Bald Spots
When it comes to dogs, flea allergies are some of the most common problems they suffer from. It takes only one flea bite for some dogs to have an allergic reaction. Biting and licking the irritated area can cause hair loss and the appearance of bald spots. When accompanied by red and irritated skin, you should take your dog to the vet, who will administer any medication needed and help you stop such reactions in the future.
Upset Stomach, Diarrhea, And Vomiting As Results Of Food Allergies
Upset stomach, diarrhea, and vomiting are often a result of food allergies. You need to be very careful as this might be the beginning of an anaphylactic reaction, so it is important that you take your dog companion to the vet as soon as possible. This way, you will ensure that it does not get worse and get a better understanding of which food your dog has problems with. This will allow you to limit the ingredient from their diet.
Itchy Ears Can Grow Into A More Serious Problem
You usually do not need to worry too much about your dog having itchy ears. Most often, it does not lead to any severe health conditions. However, if you see that your pet is getting more uncomfortable, starts to have problems with walking, or keeps tilting its head to one side, it is best to visit the vet as soon as possible.
Some allergic reactions are more severe than others. Some dogs can deal with allergies by using medication. However, sometimes even home remedies for dog allergies can make a tangible difference for your pet. It is important to remember that if you are not sure about anything or do not know how to help your pet, you should consult your vet. They will also help you to find out what caused the allergic reaction. This way, you will know what to do if it happens again and ensure that your dog is healthy.
Runny Nose And Sneezing Is Not A Big Concern As A Stand-Alone Symptom
Sneezing and runny nose usually are not such a big concern. However, if your dog suffers from fever or other symptoms, you need to head to the vet as soon as possible. This way, your pet will get the treatment immediately, and the condition will stop worsening. These signs are often connected to seasonal allergies, but you need to ask your vet to determine what caused the reaction. Like this, you will know what you need to avoid.
Runny Eyes Can Be A Sign Of A Bigger Issue
When you notice that your dog has runny eyes, you need to go to the vet even if you do not see any other symptoms. It can be a sign of an allergy. However, runny eyes often point to upper respiratory infections or a problem with an eye as well. By heading over to the vet early, you will ensure that the symptom does not grow into a more significant and serious issue.
Find Out What Caused Frequent Licking And Skin Chewing
Your dog is dealing with allergies if you notice frequent licking and skin chewing, especially in the feet area. The reaction might be caused by exposure to irritants on a walk or even in your backyard. It is not an issue that requires an immediate trip to the vet, but you will still need to find out what caused the problem and how to treat it.
Swollen Face Need An Immediate Attention
Insect bites or stings can result in allergic reactions for many dogs. One of the main symptoms is if your dog has a swollen face. It might also be a sign that your pet has breathed in an allergen. You need to be very careful if your dog has a swollen face. It could mean they are at the beginning of an anaphylactic shock. Enough swelling can also cause breathing problems. Once you notice the swelling, you should immediately go to the emergency vet to avoid further issues.