4 Basics of Graphic Design Every Beginner Needs to Know


When you follow the principles of graphic design, you will find things falling into place without even thinking about it. However, you need to understand these principles first. There are basics all beginners should know about, and a set of tips will always come in handy for beginner graphic designers. In this article, we will share practical tips that will help you as you begin your journey and even as you get into professional graphic design.

Keep It Simple

It can be tempting to add everything you have learnt to a new design, but doing so makes your designs look busy and overwhelming. Your designs should pass the message required or evoke a certain emotion, but should not be too confusing for someone to make sense of.

Now, there are instances where you might be required to cram everything you can into a design, but this is the exception rather than the rule.

Know How to Use Space

The best designs use space to let every element in the design “breathe” and draw attention to itself. Space is great, but it can only be your ally if you know how to use it. When used right, space can give your designs the freeing and comforting feeling one feels when they are out in an open space.

Know How to Use Color

When it comes to color, the two things to think about are the psychology of color and harmony. The psychology of color dictates that each color evokes a different emotion or feeling. Know what message you want to convey and then use the right colors that go along with that message.

As for harmony, you need to think about color palettes. These consist of five or so colors that go well together. You can either find color palettes online or extract them from images. There are numerous online tools to help with the latter.

A Good Computer Will Save You a Lot of Time

While this is not necessarily a design tip, it will help you as you get into professional graphic design. As you do, your files will get larger, you will use more layers and effects, and your computer will start struggling every time you make a change. The few seconds it takes to make a change, apply a filter, or use a brush will translate into minutes and even hours after a short while.

These breaks will cause a break in your creativity, and you might find yourself losing your train of thought, especially when working on larger projects. To avoid this, it is always best to invest in a fast computer. You can find great desktop computers for graphic design on sale all the time, and you do not have to pick the most expensive option. Just ensure the CPU and graphics cards are relatively modern, and the computer has enough RAM which will help when working with larger files.


Understanding the basics of design and having the right tools will make things a lot easier for you as a beginner graphic designer. Use the tips above as a foundation for your understanding of graphic design and go thrive!