3 ways to keep your house draft-free all year round


We normally just associate drafts with winter, but that cold air wafting around in December is a telltale sign that you should be doing a bit of quick and easy maintenance that you will be feeling the benefit of all year round, especially when it comes to paying for your energy bills.

Don’t be panicked by the home maintenance reference either. It won’t take long to grab items to do this, and the one job that might need a bit of professional attention can be left to the experts (more on that in a minute).

First up, you’ll need some silicone caulking and some foam sealant. You’ll be able to pick these up quite easily or just order them online. While you’re doing that, you’ll also need a candle, and then you can get started.

As there is no draft-hunter 101 manual anywhere, and where drafts occur can depend on how old your home is, its style, and obviously how well it was built, here are some places where most homes will have drafts creeping in:

#1 Window frames (even if you replaced the windows)

If you think those shiny new windows solved your draft problems, then you might be in for a shock. Yes, those windows are excellent, but if your home is quite old, then the standard size frames won’t be an exact fit, which can lead to drafts. However, if you caulk around the frames you’ll solve that problem.

#2 Your AC vents

They are supposed to let air circulate but not let cold air in when it’s not needed. If this is happening, you’ll need to get a reliable local company like oak heating cooling and plumbing in Texas to check it’s nothing serious before investing in some covers.

#3 The door (or hatch) to your attic

Another less obvious one, as you might think (like your windows) that you’ve already got it covered (or at least insulated). Yes, you’ve almost certainly had your attic insulated, but that leaves the hatch and the gaps all around where it probably doesn’t fit as it should. To stop the air coming in and the heat going out, you should insulate the back of the hatch and seal around any of the bigger gaps.

Check your work (and other problems)

Now it’s time to check your work. This can’t always be done straight away as caulk can shrink slightly as it dries, but in a day or two, it’s time to see if it’s solved the problem (it’s also why you’ll need the candle). Unless the draft is pretty strong, you can’t always feel it – however, lighting a candle and putting it next to the area (though not too closely, for obvious reasons) will show if any drafts are still coming in.

This is also a good tactic for detecting drafts coming in via your electrical outlets and around your doorframes. If you do find any here, then it’s time to get that caulking out again.