Using GrammarPlanet in our Homeschool

I am part of the Homeschool Review Crew. All opinions are my own.

Do you have a child in your family that loves grammar? A few years back, Mary really started to become in tune with grammar. So much in fact, that we now call her the 'grammar police' because she will correct us, signs, books, pretty much anything that she sees that is incorrect. I'm proud of the fact that she can read a sign or billboard and know that incorrect grammar was used. And I want her to keep learning about grammar so she can be even better at it one day. So that's why we're using GrammarPlanet this year for fifth grade.
GrammarPlanet is a completely online language arts curriculum that teaches grammar, punctuation and usage. Currently there are 13 units available and new ones are currently being made as well. GrammarPlanet is best used for children 10 and up so since Mary turns 11 in a few days, I was super excited to try it out for fifth grade this year.

On GrammarPlanet, you will make your child their own account with a login. That way they can go directly to their lesson. In the parent account, you can keep track of their progress. Each lesson starts with a video for the student to watch. There is also a printable PDF for each lesson which is best to have printed beforehand. It's helpful to have it while you watch the video so you can understand the topic points. Afterwards, the student will have various activities that help reinforce the lesson being taught and then it will end in a test in what you learned.

I really enjoy that there are no time limits to the lessons so you can take as much time as you need. Something else I really like is that GrammarPlanet can detect if the lesson is too hard for the student based on their answers and it will automatically give them extra practice questions. I love that because it will help them master the lesson easier.

Unit 1 starts everyone off with nouns and gradually the lessons will touch on harder topics. Something I have never been any good at is diagramming sentences so when that comes up, I will pay attention too!

So far I am really impressed with GrammarPlanet and for fifth grade, we will be using it daily as our main grammar curriculum. The video lessons are very helpful for visual learning kids like Mary and the printable PDF can even be made into a lesson binder to look back at for reference too. 

Overall I think GrammarPlanet is a great curriculum for ages 10+ and I can't wait to see Mary progress throughout this year!
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