Smile Create Repeat February 2018 Subscription Unboxing

This past weekend, I was able to review an older Smile Create Repeat Art Box. This one was from February 2018 and it's an acrylic box. I was impressed with the bonus items that came in the box and of course, the retractable eraser too! That's always much needed since we go through erasers like crazy around here!

Want to see everything I got in the February 2018 box? Check out my unboxing video below!

Smile Create Repeat is a really neat, budget friendly art subscription box. Each month you receive new supplies that can be used towards a project that is themed. Each month there is a YouTube video on their channel to show you how to do the project too.

Make sure to check them out and follow me on my Instagram @kbwhiskey to see my art projects that I make as well!