7 Car Essentials Every Parent Needs For A Road Trip

Is there anything better than when the weather turns from cold to hot and you have nothing but the wind in your face? For our family, we love turning to the open road and exploring the United States. Have you thought about doing that too but unsure how to get everything in order for a road trip? You’re in luck! I have a few things ot help make it easy for you, your family and most importantly, your sanity! Let’s dive in!

  1. Get It Organized- This may sounds silly to some, but you can’t get your car ready and packed if it isn’t organized! So what to do? Take everything, and I mean everything, out of your car. That old umbrella you forgot when it rains only twice a year- take that out. What about those old gym bags? Yup! That too! Grab what you don’t want and even donate some of those old things out of the trunk that have been there for the last two months ( guilty ). Once it’s organized and rid of everything you don’t need- you’re set to go!
  2. Clean it Out - Now that everything is organized, you don’t just want to throw everything back in. Chances are if you’re like me, your car could really use a good deep clean. Get it serviced and a good bath ( both inside and out ) ! You know it needs it and you’ll love having that new car smell too and it’s detailed.
  3. Snacks- Well this is a given because what great road trip doesn’t have awesome snacks along with it? I have to share that as much as I adore my 20 packs of Twizzlers and M&Ms to munch on, I do pack some healthy snacks for my kids to enjoy as well. Pop some light salted popcorn, create a fun trail mix with your toddlers or protein bars! 
  4.  Travel Apps- I’m guilty of saying “I’ll just do it when we get there” or “I’ll work in the car” but obviously my wifi signal is always not working while we drive through towns! I download some great travel apps before we get in the car to make it easier ( and calmer ) for us! 
  5.  Emergency Kit - Some of my friends laugh when I shared that I created an emergency kit for my family but honestly, do you really want to be stranded on the road with nothing to help you?! In my kit I pack things like jumper cables, gallon of water, blankets, an ice scraper and medical kit with bandages and ointment. It’s a lifesaver for sure!
  6. Games - Now not everyone enjoys playing games on the road and that’s fine. My family and I love it because it helps pass the time. Some of our favorite games to play are “I Spy”, “Find This SIgn” ( which is exactly how it sounds using a long checklist of signs and marking it off as you see them ) and The Alphabet Game where you start with the letter “A” and find a sign or something outside that begins with that letter. There are all sorts of fun things out there to play together! 
  7.  Phone Charger -I clearly had to make this it’s own must have because I always am one to forget the phone charger! Although I do remember when I never had a cell phone of my own, I’ve had mine die so many times I thought for sure my husband would think I was lost forever before being able to call him. Now, I just leave one in the car so I don’t have to think about packing it!

Now that you have all your goodies ready to go, what’s the most important thing you may be forgetting? How about, do you own a car?! Sounds silly but if you’re not wanting to spend a fortune on a new car, then you should check out Sanford and Son Junk Cars. They are the premier buyer of junk cars in the metro Atlanta area. The individuals at this company have been buying cars within the metro Atlanta area for decades. The know the importance of comfort, safety and trust when it comes to putting you in the correct vehicle. They may even have some great road trip essentials that they recommend as well! So go ahead and visit them today for all your questions, needs and concerns!

What are some of your car essential must haves?