Getting DNA Results from My HeritageDNA

I received a DNA test kit in exchange for this post. All opinions are my own.

All my life I was always told that I was Italian and Welsh from my grandparents. Coming from two dark haired, brown eyed parents, it was certainly funny that I was born with red hair and green eyes. I've always wondered about my genes and just exactly what I had in me. So when My HeritageDNA emailed and offered me a DNA test kit, I jumped at the chance! I couldn't wait to see just exactly what was in me!

Four weeks ago I received my kit in the mail and I share all about taking the test in the following video.

So after I used the test kit, I sent it back to the company and was emailed with my results in four weeks. I was impressed with how quickly it came back and I couldn't wait to see just what genes I had in me!

Below is the video with me getting my results and I show you exactly what I have in me!

So my results were just slightly similar to what I was told growing up. I am Italian and Welsh, but I have a LOT more in me! And my number one is German since my maternal grandfather was German. I think it's strange that I took after a lot of his genes, especially since I never met him!

Overall My HeritageDNA was a great company to work with. I was thrilled that everything went smoothly and the results are worth looking into. I have been researching more about our family line now and I can't wait to learn more about us.