Tips for Preventing Workplace Injuries

Every year, millions of people are injured on the job. My mother, father and husband have all had their own experiences being hurt while working and it's never fun.

In 2013, there were 4.8 million workplace injuries and 3,700 workplace deaths. A lot of times these accidents can be easily avoided if proper safety measures are taken. If you own a business, here are some simple tips to help keep your workplace safe.


When a sidewalk is put in front of your business, you probably assume that it will be even and not cause a trip and fall accident, but cement is not made to last forever; it can erode over time. There can be heavy items that will chip the concrete, making it uneven and a possible danger. Even harsh winter weather can cause cement to break down. To prevent any trips or falls on the cement, you should have your sidewalks, parking lots, and driveways inspected yearly. Divots and holes in these areas should be quickly repaired. If someone trips and falls on your property because you chose not to repair a risky area, you could be held liable for damages. It's also a good idea to have a barrier near your parking area as well. Barriers Direct is a great company for barriers.

Clean Areas 

Cleaning up garbage is also very important when it comes to safety. If you allow a lot of extra trash to sit inside and outside of your store, you could cause your customers to trip and fall. If you have people stocking shelves, you should make sure that someone is by the ladder or boxes at all times. If someone has to leave for a minute, there should be caution signs placed in the area. It is easy for someone to trip over a box in the middle of an aisle because it isn’t something that would normally be there. Take time to protect the people that come into your business by keeping aisles free of debris or clearly marking the area.


In many small businesses, stairways lead up to storage rooms or break rooms for employees. Just because a stairway may not be used by customers doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t be a safe as possible. All stairways should have railing and should be clear of debris and other storage items. If they aren’t, you could be held liable for injuries caused by the clutter. You should make it your first priority to make sure that people can shop and work in a safe environment. Including inspections as part of your work routine will keep everyone safer.

Following these tips is a start to making sure your business is safe for your customers and your employees.