Would You Like To #pickURgift For The Holidays?

Have you ever had trouble finding the perfect gift for someone? Maybe you saw something that you thought would be perfect for them but when they opened it, their eyes said it all. I've had that happen so many times so most of the time, I will give a gift card to someone I don't know really well. And then there's my dad who gives VISA gift cards for every holiday so he doesn't have to go pick out a gift at all. 

But now there's a great new way to get and give gifts to others without the headache of guessing. It's called pickURgift and once you register for free you can give the gift of choice to anyone. When you register, you can create wishlists for anyone you want. Then you can send the wishlists to the giftees for feedback so they can tell you what they would really want. This way you won't have anyone unhappy with their gifts and you know it won't be regifted!

PickURgift is a reverse wishlist which is a list of gifts created by the gift giver to offer someone they are shopping for to choose from. It's a totally genius idea because you can get everyone exactly what they want!

Adding People To Your Contacts
 It's very simple to add people to your contacts in your account. Just fill in their information, upload an optional picture and your finished. You can also add optional birthdays and anniversaries so you never miss a date for gifts.

Create a Gift Page
With pickURgift, you will make wishlists of things you would like to give your contacts. Once you have your contacts set, you can also drag the pickURgift button to your bookmark bar so you can shop from whatever site you're on.

Adding Gifts For People
When you're shopping around online and you see something you like, all you need to do it click on your UR button on your bookmark bar. A pop up window will come up and from there you can choose who you want to gift the item to and you can chose if the picture is correct. Like my screen below is a pair of boots from Anthropologie for my mom since she loves boots like crazy. I put her name in for the recipient and it will go to her gift page.

You don't have to add all your gift ideas in one day either. You can do it periodically when you see things too and then when you're ready, you can send your list to the recipient for their thoughts.

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