It is With a Heavy Heart....

To My Sweet Little Patches

I'll never forget the sunny day I brought you home
How you fussed in the car and made me laugh
I'll never forget how we always thought you were a boy
And how surprised we were when you turned out to be a girl!
I'll never forget the sweet chirps you would sing
And how you loved to fly around the house and play with me
I'll never forget how I used to find you in the shower
Just waiting to play in the water with me
I'll never forget how you used to hide in my curtains
And I always found you and gave you kisses
I'll never forget how you used to jump on my shoulder
So you could get a kiss when I got close enough to the cage
I'll never forget how you used to bob your head
When you would get excited and wanted to play
I'll never forget when you learned how to fly
And the first flight you had inside the house
I'll never forget the first kiss you gave me
It felt like a pinch and I cried!
I'll never forget how you liked to play with my hair
And how you would fly to me from across the room
I'll never forget how you used to pick on the other birds
And sometimes you'd get punished and you'd fuss
I'll never forget how you loved to get love
And the kisses you'd let me give you on your back
I'll never forget how we used to rub noses together
And the way you would sit on my finger and sing
I'll never forget the sweet memories you always gave me
And the tears I shed when you were gone
I'll never forget the day I lost you
And how there will be an empty space without you forever

To my sweet little Patches, I can only hope I will see you in heaven one day.