PopChips Review and Giveaway - CLOSED!

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About PopChips
We're snack fanatics.
We think there aren't enough meals in the day. We think spoiling your dinner is just fine. And if there's one thing we know as snack fanatics, if it doesn't taste good, it's not a snack.
But taste isn't the only thing we care about. We're just as concerned about putting good things into our bodies as the next snacker. Maybe even more so. And getting rid of trans fats is just a start. We also think about the other things that give snacking a bad rap — like saturated fats, calories, preservatives, artificial everything. It's enough to make a snacker get out the chip clip and hold out for dinner.
So what were our options? Not many. In spite of snacks filling an entire grocery store aisle, we realized everything was pretty much either fried (unhealthy) or baked (undelicious). Someone needed to do something on behalf of all snackers. So we thought, who better for the job?
In our pursuit of the snackers' holy grail, delicious and healthier, we discovered popping. We're able to simultaneously keep all of the flavor in, while keeping half the fat of fried chips out. Since we do all the popping ourselves, we can make sure of that. Our quality control mantra? If it doesn't taste good, it's not a snack, of course.

My family doesn't like healthy food at all. If it isn't full of fat and calories, then it doesn't go any further than the garbage can. When I got the chance to review Popchips, I wondered if my family would approve since they only eat normal potato chips. I was amazed when they ventured to the cabinets themselves and came to me saying, "What are these chips, they are great?" I almost passed out. From then on, I knew Popchips were for us! So far we haven't found a flavor we didn't like. They are so tasty and healthy too. I can't wait to buy them in our supermarket soon!
So would you like to win a Popchip package for your family to try? Here's how:
Mandatory Entry: You MUST follow me publicly on Google Connect and leave me a comment here saying your favorite flavor of Popchips is. - 3 entries
 Bonus Entries:
1. Follow me on Twitter - 1 entry
2. Follow me on Networked Blogs - 1 entry
3. Follow me on Blogged - 1 entry
4. Add my button to your blog - 5 entries
5. Retweet this giveaway daily at @popchips  - 1 daily
6. Like my Facebook fan page - 1 entry
7. Friend me on Facebook - 1 entry
8. Write a blog post linking back to this giveaway - 10 entries
9. Like PopChips on Facebook - 1 enty
10. Post a comment on their facebook site saying you are entering for a case from me! - 1 entry
11. Follow Popchips on Twitter  - 1 entryabo

Contest ends December 8!  CLOSED!
