How To Choose The Best Anniversary Gift For Your Partner


Your wedding anniversary, regardless of whether you have been married for a long time or else for only a couple of years, is a time to shower your beloved with gifts, love and appreciation.

If your own wedding anniversary is coming along soon, or else you are just one of those enviably incredibly organized people, then continue reading to discover how to choose the best possible anniversary gift for your partner.

The Number Of Years You Have Been Together

One excellent basis on which to construct and create your anniversary gift for your partner is to use the number of happy years you have spent together as a married couple.

For example, if the next date will mark three years of being together, then buy drinks, dinner and a show to metaphorically show the different stages and years of your marriage so far.

Theme Your Gifts

Another idea for a starting point for creating the perfect anniversary present for your beloved is to buy smaller and less expensive presents but all along a uniform theme.

For example, if your first few dates were spent watching Harry Potter movies, then you could buy a variety of different products, such as Lego packs, figurines, jigsaws and board games all from an official Harry Potter supplier.

A Homemade Couple’s Journey Book

Anniversary Gifts that are handmade are always more treasured, sentimental and definitely more appreciated by a partner than shop-bought ones, especially if you make the gift yourself with no outside help form friends or family.

A fantastic example of a handmade gift is that of a couple’s journey book, where you gather photographs and souvenirs from the time you have been married so far and place them into a book, along with your own handwritten notes and funny quips, in chronological order. You could even include ticket stubs and theatre flyers in your couple’s journey book.

Name A Star

Naming a star for an anniversary present for a spouse is somewhat of divided opinion when it comes to gifting; some people will see it as the ultimate show of love, affection and appreciation, whilst others may well consider it to be trite.

However, if you are one of the smoochy, sentimental types of couples, then naming a star, as long as it is through a reputable and renowned website or company, would be a beautiful way to express your love for your partner.

A Surprise Weekend Away

A classic on the list of anniversary gifts, but there is probably nothing more romantic than a couple's getaway, even if the destination is in the same area and even if you only stay away for one night.

For extra bonus points, choose a location that is peaceful, tranquil and secluded, ideally in a wooded area or forest and with an outdoor hot tub where you can both relax together under the stars (one of which, if you intend on combining present suggestions, may well be named after your spouse).