Meet Professionals In Your Area with CityHour

I am a CityHour Ambassador. All opinions are my own.

As a marketing professional, I am always on the search for a new client. I have meetings on a weekly basis and I am always looking to meet new people to talk with. But searching the old fashioned way can take a really long time. I have spent hours and hours on the computer looking for professionals that might be interested in my services. And many nights I have wished for an easier way to set up meetings. And that's just where CityHour comes in.

CityHour is a brand new app that quickly syncs with your LinkedIn profile to locate contacts both in and out of your current network that are open to scheduling in-person meetings. Plus you are able to find professionals based on industry as well so you know that you're both going to be on the same page.

After downloading CityHour on my iPhone, I found a few features that I really loved.

  • You connect with professionals through LinkedIn so they already know your background. That saves so much time in a meeting when you don't have to explain a whole lot about yourself. 
  • If your traveling and have a few hours to kill before your next meeting, you can find a meeting with CityHour so you can be productive. 
  • The Let's Meet Now option is amazing because it will search out fro ma 50 mile radius to anyone who is currently looking for a meeting within the next two hours. 
  • CityHour handles time conversions so no more being an hour early for a meeting because of a time difference. 
  • You can sync your contacts from LinkedIn. That way you can meet them in person when you have the chance.